Wednesday 3 June 2015

Experiment Three: Model Progress 2

Current Work

Following last weeks tutorial, I have changed the model to a certain degree.

 I continued to follow the previous ideas from the concept mashup, the original 6th arrangement of the cross, the Zahar Hadid's proposed plan for the Irish Prime Minister's Residence as well as the subsequent drawings of a plan as well as elevation. 

This time my modeling included ideas and concepts of form from my previous development work, while paying more attention to the site, in particular to the round house and the square house. 

This time in my model i created two main masses, the first one is integrated into the square house, creating a connection to its immediate site with its man made sharp edges, reflecting the urban environment in relation to the mashup. Furthermore its facade to Anzac Parade, imitates NIDA in form, but has its own identity, by it's fractured nature. In regards to materials i plan to use a man made material for the external surfaces to further accentuate the urban/ man made connection to the Square house. The space in the first mass will be intended for the lecture room, and offices. The intention of this is to put the more formal form of learning as well as formal office spaces, in the building which utilizes more rigid and formal shapes.

The second mass, is situated on top of the roundhouse. Its form is intended to imitate the roundhouse, but instead of a full circular cylinder it has been cut in half. This was intended to imitate the roundhouse form, but make the amount of space more suitable to requirements. In regards to this masses relation to the mashup concept. I decided that as the first mass, and its related building the Square house would reflect the urban environment. The Roundhouse and the second masses curved forms would be more reflective of nature, imitating nature in a sense as intended in the concept mashup. This connection and imitation of nature is also accentuated by sort of floating nature. in comparison to the 1st masses more grounded state. Furthermore in terms of material, the glass facades of the second mass further accentuate the lightness of the structure. In terms of use of space, i intend to put the library, study space, and tutorial rooms within this space to name a few. The intention of this is that the less formal and more interactive style of learning, which is a more natural type of learning is placed in the form which imitates nature.

With these two masses, and two distinct approaches to form, I plan to connect them conceptually and physically by a tunnel like form. This fulfills the mention of interconnections between the urban and natural forms stated within my concept, while also providing circulation between the two masses. 

Areas around the square house, round house and the new school

Planned Work

Moving Element

The project require two moving elements within the architecture school

The first moving element that i plan on implementing, is in the lecture theater. The idea is for the seating plan of the room, to move up creating usable space for the exhibition room. This creates a double usage for the space, while maintaining the idea of formal spaces within the 1st mass, as these two uses are both formal in nature

I am still deciding on what to do for the second moving element


The project also requires 3 textures to be used in the plan to aid navigation. 

The first texture i plan to use is from the linear category, i intend to use this in the tunnels that connect the two main forms together. This is to enforce their linear nature. while accentuating their tubular form. 

possible textures for this use include:

The second texture i plan to use is from the rotational category, i intend to use this in the circular second mass, either as a pattern for the roof or the ground. This will accentuate the curvilinear form of the building, while creating a sense of rotational movement in the building

possible textures for this purpose include:

The third texture i plan to use is from the scalar category. The sense of scalar movement, is similar to the 3 angular forms of the first mass. as they are similar in form, but are in a sense have gone through a scalar transformation. The texture I intend to use particularly is the one below, which features 3 very sharp triangles, in increasing and decreasing scales

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