Sunday 29 March 2015

Experiment One: Final Submission



The two clients i chose for Experiment One were Hazan Motor works, and Christian Benner Custom. The image I selected from Hazan Motor works was a photograph of the 'Royal Enfield',which inspired the three words: "Machine, Accelerate and Sleek."  The Christain Benner Custom image on the other hand was a photograph of their jacket 'The Studded Dream', which inspired the three words: "Leather, Stud and Genuine". 

Hazan Motorworks: Machine, Accelerate, Sleek 

 Christian Benner Custom: Leather, Stud, Genuine


The two sections utilised during the design process, come from separate sets of inspiration. The first section used was composed from a different partner company, instead pairing Hazan Motor works with Rolex. The two keywords adhered to were 'Machine' for Hazan Motor Works and 'Beat' for Rolex.

Section 1: Rolex:Beat, Hazan Motor works:Machine

The second section used for the draft models, would go on to become the developed model. This section was composed from the words Genuine, from Christain Benner Custom, and the second word was Sleek from Hazan Motor works. 

Section 2: Hazan Motorworks: Sleek, Christian Benner Custom: Genuine

Draft Models:

Draft Model 1: Rolex:Beat, Hazan Motor works:Machine

Draft Model 2: Hazan Motorworks: Sleek, Christian Benner Custom: Genuine

From these two initial draft models, it was decided to proceed with the 2nd one and further develop it. The reason for this was due to the greater potential with the 2nd model, as the contrast between the two distinct elements could become a very strong theme in the eventual model. 


Images of the Final Model:

Image 1

This is an image of the structure in its context, here you can see the contrast between the robust pyramidal forms between the sleek glass tubes. as well as the rolling hills of the landscape which are juxtaposed by pylon elements similar to the building itself. 

Image 2

This is an image of the Christain Benner Custom workshop. The image shows people, as well as their instruments and work tables in the environment. This image also captures the materiality of the interior, with earthy materials and colours enhancing the subterranean nature of the environment. I wanted to emphasise this characteristic as i believed it reflected the realistic and strength like qualities from the word 'genuine.'

Image 3

This image shows one of the stairs within the model. This one leads from the showroom and up to the Hazan Motor works workshops. This stair design features balustrades hanging down from the floor above and down to the floor below. it forms the main structure with the wooden treads of the stairs supported on both sides of the balustrade. One half of the stair features a metal ramp, intended for the movement of the motorbike. This design for the stair as well as the room it leads to above, are inspired from the key word 'Sleek'. This is reflected in the simplistic and light design of the stair as well as the structure above. 

Textures used within the final Model:


 This texture was used for the Christain Benner Custom Workshop, interior walls and floor. Which as mentioned before was utilised to enhance the subterranean and earth like qualities of the room. This texture also supported the idea of realism and strength like qualities from the word 'genuine', which inspired the space where the texture is used. 


The texture above was used for the surface of my stairs that led from the show room and down to the Christian Benner Custom workshop. This texture was used due to its stone like quality, which was used to contrast with the wooden parts of the stairs. The keyword was also fitting, as it reflected the stair design. The stair design utilised heavy geometric treads, that were cantilevered to the interior walls, thus creating the contrast between heavy and light, similar to the word porous. 


This texture was featured in the two first floor tubular walkways, that led between the two glass tube rooms. This texture was used to accentuate the linear and smoothness of these 1st floor elements which were in turn inspired by the key word 'Sleek'.

Video of the final Model

Video 1: Exterior and Showroom 

This video uses panning and orbiting to show the exterior of my design as well as the interior of the showroom.

Video 2: Stairs and Workshops

This video uses tracking to show the interior of the Hazan Motor works workshop, down the first set of stairs and into the show room, then down the second stairwell and into the Christian Benner Custom workshop

Video 3: Sections

This video uses sections, to reflect the different spatial relationships between the different elements of the building. It especially shows the interconnected relationship of Christian Benner Custom workshop, to the showroom, through the skylight and to the exterior of the building.

Final Model Upload

Experiment One: Youtube Video

Above is a short video which shows the Albi Cathedral in Southern France. I selected this video as the building depicted, forms a part of the inspiration for my current design. Characteristics from the cathedral that inspired my own design include the monumentality of the structure. The use of simple geometric shapes to form the mass of the building. As well as the materiality and use of red brick within the structure. 

Experiment One: Sketchup Model Workshops Update

Above is the interior of the Christian Benner Custom workshop. Including figures as well as furniture such as work tables and work boards.

Above is the Workshop for Hazan Motorworks. The image includes figures along with a bike, as well as equipment used within the workshop

Saturday 28 March 2015

Experiment One: Sketchup Model Stairs Update

Stairs Update

Sketch of the stairs which lead from the showroom and down to the Christain Benner Custom workshop. The stairs down are a set of spiralled stairs, that are cantilevered from the walls of the room. 

Section of the stairs, indicating how from the show room, leads out to the stairwell. Down these stairs they lead to the Christian Benner Custom workshop.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Experiment One: 2nd model and its stairs

My second Model was composed from my 18th sketch.

This sketch included the two key words: 
Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek, Christian Benner Custom: Adjective - Genuine

Below are the two designs for the stairs of this building. 

The first set of stairs are from the ground floor to the 1st floor, which contain the Hazan Motor works work shops. The key word for this design was Sleek. 

The second set of stairs descend from the ground floor to the underground Christian Benner Custom workshop, the key word for this design was genuine

Experiment One: 1st draft Model and its stairs

Above is my 1st draft model uploaded to the 3d Warehouse

Below are the plans for the two sets of stairs in my 1st draft Model.

The stair plans below are designed to go from the show room on the ground floor, up to the Hazan Motor works work rooms. The key word in this design was machine.

Below is the second set of stair for my 1st model. It descends from the show room and down to the Rolex work shops. the key word in this design was revolution. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Experiment One: Sketchup Model Experiment

Source Material: Section Sketch 9

Rolex: Verb - Beat, Hazan Motorworks: Noun - Machine 

Sketchup Model

Experiment One: 18 Section Sketches

1. Rolex: Verb - Beat, Christian Benner Custom: Verb - Stud

2. Rolex: Noun - Revolution, Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek

3. Rolex: Noun - Revolution, Hazan Motorworks: Noun - Machine

4.Christian Benner Custom: Verb - Stud, Rolex: Verb - Beat

5. Rolex: Noun - Revolution, Christian Benner Custom: Verb - Stud

6. Rolex: Adjective - Opulence, Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek

7. Christian Benner Custom: Noun - Leather, Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek

8. Christian Benner Custom: Verb - Stud, Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek

9. Rolex: Verb - Beat, Hazan Motorworks: Noun - Machine

10. Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek, Christian Benner Custom: Adjective - Genuine

11. Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek, Rolex: Adjective - Opulence

12. Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek, Rolex: Verb - Beat

13. Christian Benner Custom: Noun - Leather, Hazan Motorworks: Noun - Machine

14. Hazan Motorworks: Verb - Accelerate, Christian Benner Custom: Adjective - Genuine

15. Rolex: Verb - Beat, Hazan Motorworks: Verb - Accelerate

16. Hazan Motorworks: Noun - Machine, Christian Benner Custom: Adjective - Genuine

17. Rolex: Adjective - Opulence, Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek

18. Hazan Motorworks: Adjective - Sleek, Christian Benner Custom: Adjective - Genuine

Experiment One: The Three Words

Hazan Motorworks: Machine, Accelerate, Sleek 

Rolex: Revolution,  Beat,  Opulence

Christian Benner Custom: Leather, Stud, Genuine

Sunday 1 March 2015

My Three Images

Image 1

This first image is my year 12 HSC body of work. The chosen medium is oil paints on 3 MDF panels. Each panel depicts landscape panoramas of the Tuscan countryside. The main inspiring artists include: Roland Wakelin, Camille Pissaro.

Image 2

The Paris Opera House designed by Charles Garnier, is one of the exceptional buildings within the city. It is known for its extravagant and dramatic décor, inspired the architectural styles of the baroque and Rococo periods. This opulence is evident in the rich polychromatic ornamentation and theatrical sculptural elements. The building is also well known for its main interior featuring the grand staircase. Designed as the central gathering point of the building, it sets the scene for the upcoming operatic performances of the venue. 

Image 3

This is a photograph, of the nearby cliff sides of Tallow Beach, in Bouddi National Park. It shows the variations of colour within nature, from white, yellow, brown to reds. As well as the variation within form in the natural environment due to the interaction between the different elements in this environment: the waves of the ocean, and the rock face of the cliff.